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Vote Now (Mar.10-Mar.21)
Fashion Designer/Visual Artist/Photographer
Mike Sudoma - @mikesudomaphoto
Dwayne Larson - @dwaynelarson
Lynn Kozyra - @Lynnkozyra.empower
Vivian Grace - @viviangracephotography
Lisa Douglas Photography - @lisadouglasphotography
Drey Roulette - @drey.froulette
Amy McPherson - @fashionikwe
Wendy Sinclair - @prettywindydesigns
Tarun Kumar - @_tarunkk
Josh Mankasingh - @dexterslabratoryca
Community Impact Award (Business, arts and culture, charity/ non-profit)
Helios - Business (@helios_restaurant)
I Am Love Project - Business (@iam_love_project)
EventSafe - Charity/Non-Profit (@Eventsafewpg)
Deer Lodge Centre Foundation - non-profit category (@deerlodgecentrefoundation)
Alarey Loyns -Arts and Culture (@ally_author)
MC College - Business (@mccollegegroup)
The Beagle Alliance - Business (@thebeaglealliance)
Jo Wright - Non-Profit
Lennard Taylor - Arts & Culture (@lennardtaylordesign)
Ravi Ramberran -Business (@fourcrownsrestaurant)
Young Entrepreneur Under 30 (must be service, product business based)
Bethany Ikeda - @beautybybdawg
Christian Tamayo - @ctamayopv
Carly Mabon - @pasitheamassagewpg
Bianca Taylor- @Prairie.Promotions
Sydney Maccorby- @thelashinstructor
Diana's Beauty Bar - Diana Fraser @dianasbeautybar__
Marcede Sebelius - Lavanda Cafe @lavandawpg
3common.hq - Brayden Kehler @3common.hq
Blur Barber Shop - Jonah @jonahvialoux
Bryn Oberlin - Wildin Media Group @winnipegwildin
Block and Blade - @blockandbladerestaurant
Brazen Hall Kitchen - @brazenhall
Peasant Cookery - @peasantcookerywpg
Merchant Kitchen - @themerchantkitchen
Commonwealth Kitchen & Bar - @commonwealthwpg
Roasted Nomad - @roastednomad
Juneberry - @juneberrywpg
Harth Mozza and Wine Bar - @harthwpg
Passero -@passerorestaurant
Cibo - @cibowaterfront
Charitable Organization/Charity Event
Robb Nash Project (@robbnash)
Deer Lodge Centre Foundation (@deerlodgecentrefoundation)
Main Street Project (@mainstreetproject)
Clan Mothers Healing Village (
Harvest Manitoba (@harvestmanitoba)
St.Amant Foundation (@stamantmb)
Manitoba Underdogs Rescue (@manitobaunderdogsrescue)
North Point Douglas Women's Centre (@npdwc)
Resource Assistance for Youth - Ray (@raywinnipeg)
Ronald McDonald House Manitoba (@rmhcmanitoba)
Local Performing Artist /Group
Harold and Regan - Dance World Co @reganyharold
Winnipeg's Contemporary Dancers - @wpgcontemps
RWB - @rwballet
Ivan Flett Memorial Dancers - @ifmdfamily
MFunk Dance - @mfunkdance
The Starr Blazers - @starrblazers
Bobby Schink Professional Wrestler - @bobbyschink
Hop Skotch Dance Crew -
Kymera Queen ( Andreas Youseph) @kymeraqueen
Light Knight - @knight.zo
Local Venue
The Park Theatre - @parktheatre
The Times Change(d) High & Lonesome Club - @timeschangedwpg
The Creative Lounge - @thecreativeloungeinc
The Palomino Club - @palominoclub
Exchange Event Centre - @eecwpg
Rainbow Stage - @rainbowstage
Thomas Hinds Sampling Room - @thsamplingroom
Kings Head Pub - @kingsheadwpg
The Leaf - @assinboine_park
The Met - @themetwpg
Local Music Artist/Group
Travis and Nazeem - @nazeemlakay
Kendra Kay - @kendrakaymusic
Don Amero - @donamero
Deidra Borus - @diedraborus_
Show Pony - @showponyband
Papa Mambo - @papamamboroddy
El León and the Strangers - @leonstrangers
Nadia Douglas - @nadiadouglasband
Stephanie Westdal - @stephaniewestdal
The Haileys - @thehaileysmusic
Local Dj
D Lo - @thedjdlo
Zack Daniels - @djzackdaniels
B3ATZ - @djb3atz
DJ Nugget - @dj_nugget_official
Headrush - @djheadrush
Dj Turbulence - @aaron_djturbulence
DJ Spanglish - Daniel Rosales Bernal - @djspanglish204
DJ Tayne - @christinecosino
Andrew Lampa - @andrewlampa
Double D - Desa Desautels - itsjustdd_ - @itsjustdd_events
Shian Bear - @hairbyshianbear
Lattisha Penniston - @hairbyLattisha
Joanna Sotiropoulos -@Joanna_hairstylist_sk.coco
Grace Brykaliuk - @gbryk_hair
Michelle Guzej Fey - @hairbymichelleg
Rachelle Main @rachelle.the.stylist
Hailey Ambrose - @haileyambrosehair
Kelly O’Leary - @hairbymisskellyo
Darilyn Kuryk - @dkdoesmyhair
Selena Waldner @scorpionhairdesign
Sara Sabeski - @hair.sarasabeski
Local Fitness Place/Online Fitness Program
Oxygen Yoga & Fitness - Linden Ridge @oyflindenridge
Modo Yoga - @modoyoga.wpg
Sweat Equity Fitness - @sweatequityfitnesswinnipeg
The Gang Fitness - @thegangfitness
Pan Am Boxing Club - @panamboxing
Overtime Fitness - @overtimefitness.wpg
The Fitual - @thefitual
Vogue Fit - @voguefitcanada
WPG CYCLE STUDIO - @wpg_cycle
The Community Gym - @thecommunitygym
Radio/Podcast Host
Jonah Strassel (Purple City Podcast) @purplecitypodcast
Blair Pacheco (Grainmaker Wrestling podcast) @grainmakerwrestlingpodcast
Chrissy Troy (Virgin Radio 103) @chrissytroy
Tyler Magz (Virgin Radio 103) @tylermagz
Karly Troschuk (QX 104) @karlyonair
Shalinda Kirby (92.1 Citi) @shalinda_kirby
Steven Maxted - (Eh podcast) @ehpodcast.canada
Brett Megarry (CJOB) @brettmegarry
Tyler Carr (Energy 106) @tylercarrfm
Dave Wheeler (Energy 106 FM)
Local Business
Coal and Canary - @coalandcanary
Crumb Queen - @crumbqueen
HayMad & Co - @haymadandco
Sharecuterie - Cassandra Carreiro @sharecuterie.wpg
Nile bridal & Alterations - @nile_bridal
Flow With Us Social and Design -
Mountain Bean Coffee Co. - @mountainbean
Vincenzo's Mercato - Vincenzo De Luca - @vincenzosmercato.wpg
Seriously Oats - @seriouslyoats
Pasithea Massage Winnipeg - @pasitheamassagewpg
The Print shop - @theprintshopwinnipeg
Golden Hand Jewellery - @goldenhandjewellery
Content Creator
@Ritzcrakca (Carter Chen)
@Pegcity Lovely
Beauty Services, Spa/Hair Salon
Organic Tan Winnipeg @organictanwinnipeg
Blush Massage & Beauty bar - @blushwpg
Cocos hair and beauty bar -
Amber Joy & Co - @amberjoyandco
Soal the label - @soal.thelabel
Lemon Sugar Bar & Esthetics Inc. - @lemonsugarbar
Prestige Salon - @prestigesalon204
Ten Spa - @tenspa
MC College
Fifth Hair Lounge and Beauty Bar - @fifthwpg
Eye Candy Lash Academy - Portage Ave - @eyecandy.lashandbrow
Beauty Artist
Madison Avanthay - @ashcroftbeauty
Kira Marshall - @thekiramarshall
Mulan Houmphanh - @mulan.eyecandylashacademy
Mikayla Severdija - @wpglashes
Michelle Grade - @misschelles_esthetics
Iryna Tereshchenko - @iryna__eyecandy
Maddy Harms -
Kait - Tans by Kait - @tansbykait
Gina Staples Rothwell - Golden Glam - @goldenglam.makeupandtan
Melanie Bird - @sugarmebb
Ally G - @allygnailartistry
Tattoo Artist
Allison Theissen - @himynameisallison
Ashley Perrier - @ashley_perrier
Brianne Hicks - @xobriannimalxo
Katie Moon - @katiemoonart
Lacey Carriere - @misslaceytattoos
Meaghan Rhea (Allan) - @meaghan.rhea
Tesia Rhind - @tesiacoil_tattoos
Jennah Bullaro - @bakajennah
Brass and Bones - Jenn Willits - @jennwillits
FernandoRodriguez -